Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who Are You?

Where there is smoke, there is fire. Decide for yourself. The Cap'n has.

There is right and there is wrong. There is emotion and there is fact. It all needs to be sorted out so everyone has the proper information and then can vote for who they choose.

The sin is in not exercising your right to vote. The crime is lying to the American public to influence that process. We have seen enough of that over the years from both parties, but could this one be the biggest? Decide for yourself.

-The Cap'n

Monday, October 20, 2008

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Well America, I'm hoping you surprise me on November 4th. I'm starting to doubt the overall intelligence of the general populace and hope that we have another Truman over Dewey scenario in the end....but I digress. Some personal points however:

1) This is disgusting. It is devoid of any moral fiber. These people are cretins and enemies of the State.

2) If you have the fortitude to read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged then you understand the gist of the book: The 10% of the world that produces makes up for the 90% looking for a free handout.

What then happens when the 10% who generate the wealth in this country decide they have had enough of the garbage? What happens when over regulation, taxation, and litigation so clog the system that it is easier to walk away?

I think we are getting ready to see.

This has always been a nation which allowed the individual to excel if they had the determination and focus to do so. If you want something bad enough there is ALWAYS a legal way to get it in this nation. You just have to have the gumption to find it and stay the course.

We have been a nation that kicks ass and takes names. Period. Sure, like any nation we have issues that crop up which need to be addressed, but it has built us into the greatest nation in the history of the world. EVERYONE wants to come here because we aren't a socialist laden, go nowhere nation like Italy or France.

You go there for vacation--not to start a life.

3) Here's another pretty good link for those who need another clue. Well written and not heretical by any means.

4) And now to the most important issue: The 49ers finally fired Mike Nolan. You want to talk about incompetence on the big stage. This guy was the 4 star pick of the year!

He should have run for President himself. A good defensive coordinator with no clue how to run a big club. Every answer was nebulous and circular. Game management was extremely suspect.
In times of crisis he folded like a 50 cent sanitary napkin.

Damn....sounds like somebody else in the news.

5) Today, I'd like to leave on a positive note:

Remember-- It's never as bad as they say, but it can sure feel like it some days!

-The Cap'n

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Aristocrats

Well, the whole impending fatherhood/selling my business/ partnering up for a new business/painting kid's rooms deal has kept me busy. Today, however, I'm wondering if the two little buggers would even want to pop into this world with all the events of the last thirty days.

Therefore I am leaving this link to say it all:

I was going to post the video, but figured the link would do the same. Either way it is perhaps the funniest thing Gilbert Gottfried has ever is exactly how I feel today:

Like The Aristocrats have taken over and sanity is out the window.

And yes--with the legalized theft rammed down our throat with this "bailout" we have just been fed the last piece of the pie: institutionalized socialism

The general public should be vomiting like they swallowed a bottle of ipecac. The whole mess is a complete lack of responsibility on the parts of every individual involved.

From the fake naivety of the bottom line signers to the Alfred E. Neumann grin of the lenders, you absolutely, positively cannot tell me that you all gambled and LOST. Time to go live under a bridge by the river and pay for your sins.

When you go to a Vegas casino and lose your ass, does the managing partner reward you with a subsidy from the casino to insure they receive their full amount? Nope. You are put on a strict payment plan/re-possession plan/ end up in the desert plan. Sounds simple- never gamble what you can't afford to lose.

With that point made, I still understand the need to stabilize the system. I am not stupid. Healthy banks (such as B of A) are buying up these mortgages at non- inflated, realistic property valuations and are allowed to sell them in due time as market rationality ensues. There is no appointed "must sell" time, and T-bills are backing the process.

The ensuing housing stability brings rationality back to the equities markets where emotion and fear generally rule the roost. Great. Got it. Start another cycle.

Now, if I can repeat it enough to myself maybe I will feel like my unborn twins didn't just get the shaft.

-The Cap'n