Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Star Trek Lives!

It's time for a good old fashioned fun post. I can't be angry at the hypocritical, moronic lefties all the time. Hell, if they want to destroy the country today let them take a shot at it. Why? Because I saw the new Star Trek movie yesterday and it was freaking AWESOME!
I can admit I'm not a die hard Trekkie, nor do I have the outfit, go to the conventions, nor can speak Vulcan. I did however watch it religiously growing up. I was fascinated with science fiction (still am actually) and loved not only Star Trek, but Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and even Buck Rodgers.

I must say though I went into this flick with some trepidation. Bill Shatner was cheesily awesome as Kirk. DeForest Kelley was a walking cliche as Bones. Leonard Nimoy was, well, he WAS Spock. As I watched the show growing up on syndication, they became more like friends. As the first four movies came out their bond with me was solidified. There was a real emotion to the movies, and in some aspects it touched me to the core.

Why? Because these earlier movies were about friendship, accountability, loyalty, and duty.

This Star Trek "prequal" misses none of that. J.J. Abrams is my second favorite director behind Chris Nolan and he delivers. By forming the early years of Kirk and Spock and introducing all the familiar players in thoughtful and thought provoking ways, this movie is as good as it gets for me.

I won't delve into plot lines or endings, but I will say DO NOT WAIT FOR THE DVD. This movie deserves the big screen experience and you will be glad you went.

One more thing though.....I was really struck by the evolution of James T Kirk. Here was a young hellion, hell bent on going forward at all costs. There was no looking back from earlier adversity. Caution was thrown to the wind because he believed he was right, and they were wrong.
There is one quote in the movie after Kirk commands the bridge: "Take your battlestations and prepare for war. We are either going to take them out or they are taking us out."

He was going to confront the Romulan menace head on. He was not going to duck it. There was to be no conversation. It was either us or them and there were no apologies.

Hell, I was all fired up during that scene. It reminded me of us, the U.S. at an earlier time.

He understood that to "live long and prosper" you had to confront your enemies and take them down. If you ran away today, you would just have to take it on tomorrow and by that time it might be far worse.

We would all be well served to learn that lesson and live by it.

-The Cap'n