Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What Happened When I Was Sleeping?

Wow, the Cap'n comes back from Daddy time with the kiddies for a few months and the whole place has gone to hell. It was arguably the most trying yet fulfilling weeks of my life, but I wouldn't trade it back for the world...I miss the little buggers during the day already!

Well, instead of musing on one probably over dated subject, lets throw some thoughts out for consumption:

* Did you know that in my hometown there are 35 medical marijuana dispensaries within 15 miles of each other. You have got to be kidding me. Throw in the probable 350 dealers in the same grid and you have one hell of a business running during the day. No wonder the Feds and Local want a piece of this cash economy. My question: How much of the daily population is on a controlled substance to make it through the day? Factoring in prescription meds, the Cap'n says probably around 75%.....

* Is Robert Gibbs retarded? Well, that's an easy one...How about: If you are a crooked son of a bitch, is it standard operating procedure to have a retarded dis-information officer to just piss everyone off and make them go away?

* Why is the left so hot to trot with health care? Medi Care is a joke. VA hospitals are a crying shame. Social Security is a fucking nightmare. Hmmmm....lets now take the wrecking ball to the economy again with an overhaul of the health care system. To all you over educated, broke ass lefties: Quickly--name anything the federal government has run successfully and at a profit? Or, even in the estimated loss brackets? Good luck. I feel much better about health care now.

* Quick Econ lesson for all you PHD holding lefties also: Sub Prime mortgages were all written in '05, '06, and '07. All come due in '08, '09, an '10...Do you think the economy is going to rebound? Thank your local congressman for that one (and especially Frank, Barney)....but there is more-- commercial real estate defaults are now coming in late 09, 10, and 11. There will be ABSOLUTELY NO RECOVERY until 2012 at the earliest unless the banking system relaxes lending rules and allows bridge loans. Better get used to 10-15% unemployment and small business being eradicated.

Why? Your great leader and his bull shit stimulus plan hasn't put any money into the true economy. All it's done so far is grease the palms of his constituents.....In '11 when it kicks in to full effect ( if it ever does-- the Repubs will sweep out the Dems in '10 and the plan will get demolished) it will be to late.

If you are a conspiracy theorist and believe in a NWO, this is one hell of a playbook to get there.

* Why are there absolutely ZERO good movies out to bridge the gap between summer and Thanksgiving?

*Why do I have an unending picture in my head of the old Wiemar Republic and a man lugging a wheel barrel down the street full of Deutschemarks going to buy a loaf of bread?

*Neil Young is still one sick dude! A living legend!

Regardless of left or right, it's about freedom....Keep on Rocking in the Free World!!!!!
-The Cap'n