Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Yesterday as I was at my desk, I heard someone yelling for help outside my office. It sounded like a child and didn't sound good. My business partner and myself ran out to investigate, and found two agents with a youth in a hammerlock.

The kid was kicking, screaming, and cussing while the agents did their best to calm him. We, on the other hand, were not buying they were agents. We quickly confronted the two and threatened to intervene unless proper I.D. could be furnished. Even then, we were not completely convinced.

This is a child on the line here, and we were not going to blindly walk away. As we questioned their actions, we called local police and checked I.D. and badge numbers. As it turns out, they were legit.

Kudos to them for their professionalism as we did not make their job easy for them. They were kicked, spit on, and cussed at by a 10 year old who kept screaming that he wanted to kill himself. On top of that, they had two adults ready to get into the mix if they did not check out and we smelled something fishy.

It could have been an ugly recipe. As it turns out it was an eye opener.

I replayed the event over in my head the remainder of the day, and I came out of it with a few thoughts:

There are times in your life when confronted with a clear case of standing up and doing the right thing. In my mind, you fail as a person if you do not.

Now, mind that we did not have to intervene in this case, but we were ready to if need be.

There was no doubt in my mind, that if was two thugs or pervs assaulting this kid, we were going to blows to save the kid. No questions asked. I would do it for any child. Instead, that was not the result as it was two plain clothed officers doing their job.

Which in turn, brings to mind the situation at Penn State. A 60 year old predator was allowed to roam for years as everyone turned a blind eye. Nobody had the balls to come forward. Nobody had the moral strength to do what was right. Everybody just turned their head and said, "not my problem".

They might sing a different tune now that the cat is out of the bag, but the reality is they would have towed the company line all along until now.

In doing so, they all failed as human beings and should be hung. Period. The crimes committed on these young boys is inexcusable. Forget what the law says, there is a MORAL obligation to stop these actions, and silence is tantamount to accomplice.

For those of you with children, ask yourself what you would have done if it was your kid?

Better yet, listen to this.

My high school assistant basketball coach was a sexual predator. He loved teenage boys. It was an open secret among the team. We all knew never to be caught dead alone with him. He took a run at all of us. Would offer alcohol, dirty movies, all the stuff a young guy wanted at that age.

Hell, he wasn't even the only one at our high school. There were two more EXACTLY like him. We all knew them, and always watched our backs when they were around. Why? They always came around after workouts when we were in the showers, or in the trainers room. Loved to take a lookie or pat you on the ass or try to stick a finger in your jock.

Evil fucks.

Well, he never got to me. We all suppose he got to one of our team members, but we can't confirm it. He never said.
(side note--we went to college together, and he had definitely become a different person by then. What comes to mind the most, was his rampant hate of homosexuals. It was something he wore like a badge.)

Still, my high school looked the other way and he resigned before it broke and they swept it under the rug.

My school failed. Penn State failed. Others fail every day.

Myself, I will never fail. Not for my children. Not for my friends kids. Hell, not for any of them if I could help it.

Would you?

-the Cap'n

Thursday, January 13, 2011


"And then one day you find, ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you've missed the starting gun."

-Pink Floyd 1973

Generally, I don't care much for lyrics. Strike that. Generally, I don't care for lyrics or those who try to find too deep a meaning in them. Lyrics have always been an accompaniment for me, just as much a part of the song as the bass, etc. Either they are in tune with the feel of the song, or they stick out as being just not right.

It was the same way with how I lived my life. I had my goals, and everything around it was just white noise. If you were an impediment, or deemed as a roadblock then I removed you from my life.

Many girlfriends met that fate. They wanted more than I was willing to give and would not settle for being number two or three in the pecking order. Same could be said about friends. They became more of a nuisance then a help in most cases, so they were just discarded.

Some probably had it coming, but most did not. All I really cared about at the time was me. My goals, my reputation, my place in this world. That was all that mattered.

Why? Because I hold the belief that to be truly great in anything, you need to be married to it. It must be your all encompassing desire and obsession and you must not compromise that belief.

That belief has not changed. I still believe it to this day. I can back it up with a decade long alcohol tab that would boggle your mind, three trips to the ER and a few longer stays in the hospital from stress related health issues that almost claimed my life twice.

Still, I outran them all. I outran the clingy girlfriends, the hangers on, the fake friends, the bad employees, the scam artists-- all of them.

Except time..

When my wife had our kids, I instantly wished I was 27 and not 37.

I wished for all the time in the world because I wanted to see everything my kids had in store for the upcoming years.

Mind you, I'm not wishing to change how I lived my life. I wouldn't give back any of the experiences over those years (read: hot one night stands /flings /parties /trips...etc). Those aspects all helped shaped my eventual outcome of today, and I dare say I'm a better person for the experiences.

What I am saying though, is everything has it's price and you have to be mature enough to understand that and accept it.

Every morning my son and daughter run around the house looking for their daddy. When they find me, they smile and give me a big hug.

That is what makes my world go round now, and I want to be around it for as long as humanly possible.

I am looking forward to seeing them grow up and grow as individuals, and can't wait to see how they handle success and adversity.

It's a completely new adventure every day, but also one that brings me time to pause and contemplate.....

"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines."

-The Cap'n

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Second Annual Things I Hate!!!

Without any fanfare, let us begin:

* Roads anywhere in California. All you enviro Nazis have's true. It is easier to take a bicycle or horse and carriage from point A to B in this state. Thank you Jerry Brown and associates in the early 70's for creating this god awful mess you call the California road system. Throw in good 'ole government corruption, and you not only have a steadily aging and decrepit, but inadequate roads system. I'll take the horse please....just what you backward ass progressives wanted.

* MTV....except for the Jersey Shore. I have extensively written how it went from a musical nirvana to bull shit propagandist extension of Viacom. As for Jersey Shore, everyone has to have a little vice here and there....and I hate that J-Wow hasn't shown us her ta-ta's yet.

* White Honda or Toyota minivans or sedans. Anyone who drives them cannot drive worth a crap. Period. End of Story. You suck. Now you will pay attention and know I am right.

* Dancing with the Stars. Other than looking at Cheryl Burke's awesome ass, this show is a total waste of time.

* Progressive Liberals. You are the height of ignorance masquerading as pseudo intellectuals. Please come down to the real world and help in the fight instead of being a pawn to government control. Repeat after me: It's only your fault you didn't take advantage of your opportunities....

* Quirky women who think they are cool. Message to you: You are neither. Quirky is this generations way to excuse immaturity and infantile behavior. Grow up and put away your Strawberry Shortcake folder....Fuck, you are 30 years old already!!!

* Rachel Maddow. Do I really need to explain?

* I hate how the daily newspaper is slipping away into the night.

* I hate the fact my twins are already 20 mos. old...Damn time flies.

* New Style video games. Why do I need twenty buttons on my X Box just to make a pass? What happened to the good old A and B buttons? Keep it simple guys!!!!

* That they moved the Big Bang Theory to Thursday...It was perfect on Monday!

* That once I found out Neil Patrick Harris was gay, I no longer believed his character on How I Met Your Mother. Like the guy, just not that believable now, though...

* Chelsea FC...God I hate the Blues...Stop dominating the EPL!

* San Francisco Giant Fans...Retards..I'd love to have a monopoly on anti-depressants after the Phillie's series is over for these delusional idiots.

* Light Rail. It has done nothing for anyone here in my hometown other than back up traffic for miles while two passengers ride it to and fro. What a colossal waste of taxpayer money and time.

*That I couldn't find any more ways to incorporate more hot women's pictures into my rant!

Well, that was all that came to mind this time..Maybe some you agree with, others you don't. The great part is that I don't care whether you do or not-- it is my list.

Regardless, use your brains, don't settle for the low hanging fruit, and vote in the upcoming elections. it is your duty!

-the Cap'n

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Never Forget, Never Forget.....

Take time during that day to remember the Heroes and the Fallen. We have changed for the worse ever since, and I sincerely believe we will find our ass kicking boots once more. Kiss your wife and hug your kids!
-The Cap'n

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Liberals.....

Every time you want to say something stupid about the rights of Muslims to erect a mosque at ground zero, take a look at this picture:

Then do some reading on Islamic history and the construction of mosques on conquered territories/places.

Then, kiss my red, white, and blue ass.

Not in my lifetime,

The Cap'n

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Check This One Off the List....

Well at least they finally found it.
Now we can try to figure out the whole Social Security card mess.....
-The Cap'n

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ohhhh Mexico....

The Cap'n was talking to the General (my father) the other day, and I heard this brilliant take on the Arizona immigration fiasco:

Let's say you have bought a ticket on Southwest Airlines to take a trip. Your credit card has been charged, you checked in over the Internet, went through TSA, and are now waiting in line.

As you board the plane and get to your seat, you find that it has been occupied by a non paying customer who boarded the plane through the rear entrance after managing to walk through an unguarded entrance from the terminal to the tarmac. (Sort of like Burbank)

This non paying customer refuses to give up their seat. It is not their fault nobody was guarding the entrance to the plane, even though there are certain standardized entrance and exit points.

It is also noted that they have brought four more non payees aboard with them and in doing so, not only have you lost your seat, but four more paying customers have lost theirs also.

They have also brought numerous bags for the overhead bins, so paying customers must check in their baggage or send it on a later flight.

The cabin crew refuses to dismiss these people (even though a few crimes have just been committed), but offers to find "reasonable" accommodations on the plane for you and the others by charging the entire plane $50.00 more per person.

If not, you are just shit out of luck.

Sound Familiar???

I found it to be spot on, and would love to hear a logical counter that does not include "racist" because this model is race/gender neutral.

- the Cap'n