Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Numero Uno

The great Peter Griffin exclaimed, "You know what really grinds my gears?"... and that is what got me to thinking. If an animated character started making more sense than the "pundits" on television and the fish wraps, then maybe something has run amok. Hence we have Pusscon 3.

A bit of explaining. Pusscon 3 is a term invented years ago by my weekly (and now defunct) poker game which featured a ton of drinking, a myriad of debates, and some card playing thrown into the mix. When the stakes became a little high for one of us (usually around five dollars) and the collar became a tad tight, a fold would ensue. The ribbing would then escalate, a half drunk member of the table would stand up, and then the announcement would be made on the loudspeaker, "We have reached Pusscon 3!". The alert level had been raised because we had testicular shrinkage in the room!

With the obvious reference to our DEFCON system of readiness, we would always bust out with uncontrolled laughter and a verbal blistering to whomever elicited the command. The forces had been put on alert! We have a situation brewing that needs attention! One of us had lost our balls along the way and needed to be reminded.

That my friends is Pusscon 3.

In today's world you can no longer call it like you see it because it might offend someone- regardless of the truth.

Well, I'm going to spout out my version of it and hopefully someone other than myself enjoys it, or disagrees with it enough to engage in some lively debate.

Just like my buddy Bill needed the forces to be put on alert because he was dangerously close to extreme estrogen levels, Cap'n America is here to ensure we never reach Pusscon 4.

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