Friday, July 25, 2008

Favre and some other stuff!

Well, well, well....Find me a hot button and let's push it. I'm in trouble because nothing especially is getting me all riled up today so I guess it's going to be---Brett Favre and some other sports musings!

Brett---GO AWAY!

I hate the Packers. I hate the NFC Central. I hate indecisiveness. I hate indecisive multi-millionaires. I hate cheese heads. I hate Vince Lombardi. I hate prima dona's. I don't think you are a top five quarterback of all time:
1) Montana
2) Unitas
3) Brady
4) Elway
5) Marino

You are a loser in big game situations. It is time to go. You seem like a smart guy, so go look up how Steve Carlton went out. Don't be that guy.

* Last year was lightning in a bottle in a very weak NFC and I don't believe anybody in their right mind is picking an NFC team to go all the way again. If I had to pick a surprise this year it would be-------The 49ers. Idiot head coach, but enough talent to surprise.

* Where is Roger Clemens right now? Thanks for making my baseball cards worthless except for maybe a hard pack in the joint. BTW.. Mindy McCready??? You must have been on something.

* NBA Rookie of the Year 2008-09: Jason Thompson. You read it here first.

* Finally, seems like everyone is fired up about the kid in the NFL getting jerked around by the military. Two words: David Robinson.

And now, enjoy the stylistic approach of Wink Mussellman and please enjoy the veal!

-The Cap'n

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This State is Fuc***!!! heard it here first. We are officially heading down the shitter at record pace and here are my two cents:

A) Do we make anything here anymore? Small business is fucked. If you haven't looked around lately they are closing at record paces. Whether it be manufacturing, retail, service based--it does not matter. Why? The cost of business is impossible to absorb nowadays. Insurance, energy, medical, and regulatory costs are are out of control as well as costs of raw materials! Simple equation--costs go up, profit margins get compressed, businesses get closed. I know many small business owners who are closing up because they cannot compete with overseas or sub continental competition. Thank you NAFTA! Coming next the Amero!!

After that it will be "Hello Comrade!" What was I thinking, it will be "Ho la Amigo!!"

B) Where is my Tax Money Going? What a bunch of dickheads. The problem with a democracy has always been that those in power will over time start voting themselves the lion's share of the wealth and restrict the access to wealth acquiring activities. Sounds like a blueprint for the Golden State! Deteriorating roadways, levee systems which are a crap shoot, a lack of a comprehensive managed growth plan because of environmental idiots, a legislature which routinely cannot pass a balanced budget, an out of control illegal immigrant population----stop me before I get worked up.

Taxes keep going up and finding themselves in nebulous areas never intended for their original purposes. I paid a tax for environmental upkeep and growth management yet the whole fucking state is on fire. I pay a tax every time I go to the pump for roadway improvements yet these are the worst highways in the nation. Where did that money go??? We all know the answer.....

I know---into a bank account. Just not mine or yours. We'll just keep ponying up as they pocket it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not banging on Democrats---I hate Republican liars also--but all these guys have to go. There are too many pigs at the trough.

C) McCain and Obama. Mr Spend-a-lot and Mr Spend-alot. I'm voting for none of the above just like in the movie Brewster's Millions. Both of these guys are going to lead us straight to the toilet. One is a tan Jimmy Carter and the other is one nightmare away from our own personal Elm Street.

Bottom line--both have been so insulated from "real life" they have no idea what normal, honest Americans are going through. All they know is what their advisors tell them (or tell them to say at the right time). Wake up America and see it for what it is--bullshit!

Well, I seemed to be especially angry today. Still, it needed to be said.

There was good news-- The Cap'n is going to be a Papa!!!! Now the world must remain safe for Cap'n Jr.!!!!

..and always remember: When you get what you want, don't start bitching when shit goes wrong!!!!!!!!

--The Cap'n