Friday, July 25, 2008

Favre and some other stuff!

Well, well, well....Find me a hot button and let's push it. I'm in trouble because nothing especially is getting me all riled up today so I guess it's going to be---Brett Favre and some other sports musings!

Brett---GO AWAY!

I hate the Packers. I hate the NFC Central. I hate indecisiveness. I hate indecisive multi-millionaires. I hate cheese heads. I hate Vince Lombardi. I hate prima dona's. I don't think you are a top five quarterback of all time:
1) Montana
2) Unitas
3) Brady
4) Elway
5) Marino

You are a loser in big game situations. It is time to go. You seem like a smart guy, so go look up how Steve Carlton went out. Don't be that guy.

* Last year was lightning in a bottle in a very weak NFC and I don't believe anybody in their right mind is picking an NFC team to go all the way again. If I had to pick a surprise this year it would be-------The 49ers. Idiot head coach, but enough talent to surprise.

* Where is Roger Clemens right now? Thanks for making my baseball cards worthless except for maybe a hard pack in the joint. BTW.. Mindy McCready??? You must have been on something.

* NBA Rookie of the Year 2008-09: Jason Thompson. You read it here first.

* Finally, seems like everyone is fired up about the kid in the NFL getting jerked around by the military. Two words: David Robinson.

And now, enjoy the stylistic approach of Wink Mussellman and please enjoy the veal!

-The Cap'n

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