Thursday, January 22, 2009


After one of the most important days in the history of our nation, I am still in awe over something I continued to see from the left: a complete and total lack of respect for the outgoing President.

I found it so appalling, that I felt ashamed of my fellow "enlightened" Americans.

Say what you want about the myriad of faults associated with the last eight years, but the one fact remains: You were kept safe. The threat level would vary depending on where you get your information (and I'm not going to debate you conspiracy theorists), but NO Americans were killed on our soil as attacks occurred in other parts of the globe.

The cost was high. As our ex completely took his attention away from domestic issues and allowed a Democratic led Congress to run wild over us as Frank, Pelosi, Reed, et. al. just could not help themselves. Unfortunately, it happened on his watch and he takes the fall for not controlling the children with the power of the pen. He SHOULD be held accountable for that unforgivable mistake.

The vilifying on the way out though is disgusting.

I'm ashamed to call these morons my countrymen.

As much as I think our current President is unproven, I am willing to reserve judgement until 12-18 months into the gig. I also RESPECT the Office. Even if I do not agree with the man, his politics, his seedy political background, and nebulous personal history, I cannot escape the fact he is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That in and of itself deserves your respect.

To all those "educated souls" who can only express themselves in four letter words and illogical emotion--good luck in the future.

History will judge everyone, and my belief is that our ex-President took it on the chin to combat a threat he believed to be priority #1. Strong is a man who can do so-- whether right or wrong.

I hope the current party has the same fortitude. Recent history shows it hasn't, but I hope I'm wrong.

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