Thursday, March 26, 2009

Truth...English Style.

Wow....there is not a single member of our legislature (state or federal) which has the clarity or the stones to fire off like Daniel Hannan, English MEP.

Our esteemed leader (who we shall call Mr. 52.7% ) believes that the European model of control is the way to go. Hell, they've been soooo successful over there with 0.00% job growth, an out of control and constantly appeased Muslim underclass, a health care system which decides who is treated and what is treated, an EU monetary system which does not work (ask the Germans who took the pipe when the Euro came into play), a housing bubble threatening to topple Eastern European nations and Western European banks like a house of cards, a rising of the Russian Bear, etc. etc. etc.

Finally someone called it like he saw it. It was a shot fired over the pond, but hit the mark over here also.

Are we that dense as a people to not see that these same mistakes have been made before and resulted in lost decades?

Are we all enticed by the free handout?

Would we rather take the coupon, get the flat screen TV, and vegetate away?

I bust my ass every day to provide for my beautiful family. I am not busting it for the cretins in East Oakland, the deviates in West Hollywood, or the Octomom.

I've made some poor decisions in my lifetime, but nobody bailed me out. I just picked myself up and trudged forward. It sucked, but I learned and was wiser for it.

We as a nation are about to get flattened if we don't change course. I hope we learn, pick ourselves up, and never forget.

God Bless,
The Cap'n

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