Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Thoughts.....

Wow..If you haven't figured it out yet, let me spell it out to you in plain English: There are no political parties, just idiotic, greedy, opportunistic, two faced politicians. Case in point- Arlen Specter.

You can bend it any way you want, but when you are getting hammered in the polls by Pat Toomey 41% to 27% and have up to a 70% disapproval rating in certain Republican segments, you are going home.

Wait, no you are not, you are going to switch parties and become the swing vote to enable killing Republican filibusters after you've brokered a sweet deal for yourself.

That my friends, is the definition of a P.O.S. who has lived off of our tax money for way to long.


Kudos again to the Dems for their photo op with Air Force One yesterday in NYC

I guess it is ok to cause a panic in Downtown Manhattan and possibly endanger American lives through the panic, but please, PLEASE DO NOT WATERBOARD A TERRORIST! Their lives are important too!

Wait..I just figured out what was going on.....

Damn Snoop is always down for a party!

Still, the children in the White House need to know it is time to put away their toys and start acting like grownups. When is the first White House hunting trip scheduled??


My throat is itchy, my joints ache, I might be sick.....Oh no it's the swine flu....oink oink... Listen to reason with Mr. Ron Paul:

My gosh..I wonder how many people died of T.B. last year in the U.S.? Heck, I wonder how many people died last year of overdosing on Viagra and booze? I bet it was more than 64!

I'm willing to bet my buddy a few dinars on that one!

Until next time,
-the Cap'n

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