Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tighten My Belt?

I guess I just don't get it. There is an old saying in management: The queen must not only be virtuous, she must also appear to be. For those liberals out there for whom I've confused let me make it even simpler: You don't lay off parts of your crew, tell your remaining employees to tighten their belts, and then show up the next day in a brand new CL55 Mercedes Benz.

Does that sound familiar? Are you sure? I swear that is what I have seen coming from Mr. 52.7% and company.

I know, I know, before I even get started the howling will begin on the hypocritical Bush administration and the war in Iraq. Big, bad Bush sold us a river of lies on WMD's and it was really about oil.

Was it? Deterrence has kept American soil safe since WWII. From 1993 to 2000 we stood by and allowed 6 separate attacks on U.S. interests starting with the February 26, 1993 WTC basement bombing to the USS Cole attack on October 12, 2000. We all know who was steering the ship back then. Do I need remind anyone what happened less than a year later? Do I also need remind we have had nothing since occur on our soil thanks to our brave men and women.

If a fortress in Mesopotamia, control of another oil supply, and the possibility of democracy in the region are the by products, then sign me up.

Sorry for digressing....As I was saying....

The CEO's of the major car companies were killed in the press for begging for public money as they came in on their private jets.

Execs from AIG and Citi were under threat of public humiliation and possible public retribution when it was learned of lavish bonuses and parties with public money.

Now, in the "most transparent" administration ever we have a man preaching of conservation and corporate responsibility showing his true colors. They are so transparent they won't even disclose the cost of the trip on your dime!

Even better, he used the excuse "I promised my wife...blah...blah..blah.."

Hell, I promised my wife a great anniversary, but I got hit with $3.00 gas, a 50% tax rate, a shrinking GDP, monetization of our debt, and possible nationalized health care. I'll be lucky to afford two Super Sized Extra Value Meals, but hell--have a great night on me!

All that B.S. is for you, not for him. He is above that. This is definitely not a lead by example kind of guy.

I have a new slogan for this administration: Do as I say, not as I do.

Assa lama laken
-The Cap'n

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