Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Well, I was all set to do a post on my buddy Fang (who has a wonderful liberally slanted blog ), his back problems, and how he will see the quality of his care reduced if Das Leader gets his way. Instead, I wanted to focus on Mr. 52.7% sidekick.

Look at this whopper:

"I say, 'Don't let your opposition to the Recovery Act blind you to its results. Come see what I see everywhere I go: workers rehired, factories reopened, cops on the street, teachers in the classroom, progress toward getting our economy back on the move.'"

-Washington Post.com 7/17/09

Workers rehired?

As of the end of May 2009, California's job losses were quantified as :

California's year-over job losses totaled 739,500 (4.9 percent) in May 2009. This was the State's largest year-over job loss on record. Unofficial historical data suggest that California's 4.9 percent year-over job loss in May 2009 was the State's largest since March 1946. Year-to-date in 2009, California's nonfarm job losses totaled 348,000 jobs, or an average of 76,800 jobs a month. This was nearly twice the average monthly loss of 38,500 jobs in 2008...


But there is more:

Nationally, the largest job loss was in manufacturing (156,000). Three additional industry sectors lost more than 50,000 jobs: construction (59,000); trade, transportation, and utilities (54,000); and professional and business services (51,000). Notably, each of these three industries had averaged job losses of well over 100,000 jobs over the six months prior to May. Information (24,000), natural resources and mining (10,000), government (7,000), and other services (1,000) were the other U.S. industry sectors that lost jobs in May 2009.

Four California industry sectors experienced losses of more than 100,000 jobs over the last year: trade, transportation, and utilities (191,000); construction (149,200); professional and business services (126,100); and manufacturing (122,200). Two additional California industry sectors lost more than 50,000 jobs over the last year: leisure and hospitality (62,300), and financial activities (51,600).

Three more California industry sectors lost more than 10,000 jobs over the last year: information (29,200), other services (15,500), and government (14,200). Year-over losses in natural resources and mining totaled 1,400 jobs. Three U.S. industry sectors lost more than one million jobs over the last year: manufacturing (1,570,000); trade, transportation, and utilities (1,193,000); and professional and business services (1,139,000). Year-over job losses in construction totaled 990,000 jobs.

Two additional U.S. industry sectors lost more than 300,000 jobs over the year: financial activities (397,000), and leisure and hospitality (328,000). Information (152,000), other services (123,000), and natural resources and mining (31,000) were the remaining U.S. industry sectors that lost jobs over the last year.

And then the kicker: Nationally, two industry sectors experienced year-over job gains in May 2009: health services (417,000), and government (140,000).


Thank you California EDD for the Labor info in a May 2009 article.

Well Pinocchio, what does this mean?? It means you are full of fecal matter.

"Workers re-hired":

If you are what? A nurse or government employee? It would make sense for the health workers since everyone is either stressing out or numbing themselves to the insanity coming out of Washington. I'm damn well sure the number of heart attacks, alcoholism, and suicides will go up the next few years all due to the insane economic policies coming from this administration. Just try to get life insurance at a decent premium..

"Factories reopened":

Look at how hard the manufacturing sector has been hit you moron. There isn't an idiot in the room who would dare open one here in California. Hell, I just shut mine down because of OVER REGULATION AND OVER TAXATION. The state of California is insane. It is the gold standard for how liberal and over the top environmental regulation DOES NOT WORK. It strangles any chance a small business has. Now we will have cap and trade--economic suicide! Throw national health care on top of that and it's 8% non compliance penalties--Hello more layoffs!! Get ready Pinocchio, the sky is about to fall!

"Cops on the street":

There were too many layoff links to post, but this one struck me as interesting:


75 cops laid off in Toledo led to mass gun buys. Well, at least there is a plus to the situation

"Teachers in the classroom":

Schools Chief Jack O'Connell Joins Educators in Recognition of Record Number of Teachers Receiving Layoff Notices.


26,950 teachers have received pink slips so far...

I could only think of one way to wrap this one up.....

-The Cap'n

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cap'n House Husband!?!

Well, you never know what life is going to throw you. After the Cap'n told the State of California where to stick it by selling his business, he know finds himself at a crossroads.

Once a Cap'n of Industry, it looks like he will now be Cap'n of the house for the next six to eight weeks as the wife goes back to work and my mother in law waits to retire.
What a weird turn of events.

Some background: After the business was sold, there was definitely work to be done selling equipment, cleaning buildings, selling inventory, etc. etc. etc. That took about a year, and was painfully sad as well as challenging. During that time I looked at other opportunities on the horizon.

The problem was that they were all in unrelated fields and there was really no opening for "37 year old ex-vice presidents" with 18 years experience in management, production, marketing, and sales. I was a jack of many trades but a true expert in none (except production).

Still, being that "A" type personality, I wanted to keep charging forward and have absolutely zero downtime. BIG MISTAKE!!!

In doing so I jumped into a start up during a recession/depression while at the same time trying to shorten a learning curve by about 10 months. Now, I have never quit anything in my life. No matter how bad I get beaten, I am too stubborn to walk away a loser. I always figured the difference between a quitter and a loser was in the spelling.

I am however starting to change my mind as my perspective has changed. Why? My kids.

After having a beautiful set of twins, my personality changed on the spot. My anger (which fueled my success) was gone. My impatience had waned. My overall want to destroy every obstacle in my way had dissipated.

In a word, I was "anew".

Don't get me wrong, the Cap'n loves money...but he has money. What he is missing now is the logical next step in his progression. For most people, CEO/President/VP is the culmination of a career..That was done by age 32....now what?????

Well, for the next eight weeks it is this:

And I tell you, I am psyched.
I really think this time will allow me to get my thoughts together and look at the future in the right frame of mind. Although I have definite fears about current goings on in our state and in D.C., there is always the optimism of and for youth which I see every morning.
I'll also get to see a little of this:

-The Cap'n

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Few Thoughts....

Well, I guess the Cap'n is a little tired of fighting the fight today. When Stuart Smalley is elected as a state senator it shows the overall I.Q. of a state to be total to the wattage of a small appliance light bulb..

Oh well..After the Dems run this country into the frickin ground they now have no one else to lay the blame on except for themselves. That should banish them into irrelevance for a good 20 years or so.....

With that being said some "New Thoughts":

Why I went to see Transformers 2 with the wife:

Why I really went to see Transformers 2:

Is Eric Clapton the greatest ever? After seeing him and Steve Winwood together this week I would dare say YES!

Is there anything worse than really, really wanting a Popsicle and then finding the box empty in the freezer?

The greatest holiday in the United States? Need you ask? All Socialists should not be allowed to celebrate this country's Independence as they push for its peoples enslavement! Better yet: No Hot Dogs for You! Halal Kabobs and Piroshkis Only! (The Cap'n ain't completely laying down today!)

Who we should be thankful to for every day we have the ability to disagree and not be thrown in jail or executed:

Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!
-The Cap'n