Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I always hated that little bit of texting heaven. It's just another cute way of dropping an f bomb without having to say it. Stupid. Still, it seems that any and everyone will try to drop in an occasion to curse without REALLY saying it.

What kind of B.S. is that?..

With the obvious pun just above, why even say it? If you want to say "what the fuck", then man (or woman) up and let it fly. Do not even throw out an excuse of whether it is appropriate or not because you are just trying to be cute. If you are going to curse, then goddamn do it. Otherwise, use another expression and move on.

It's like tattoos now. Tats used to be for rebels and real anti-society types. Now it's just for pieces of trash who think they look cool. In fact, if you are not in a band or a slut, you shouldn't even have them. Period. Sorry Johnny wanna be a rapper white kid.

Speaking of that, what says "Please hire me" more than a moron in baggy jeans, a sideways hat, tats, and piercings. Better hope they don't legalize pot or you're out of one of your few career choices.

Ouch. Career choices. What is actually going to be left if Obama keeps steering the ship? Let's see....Welfare recipient, government worker (maybe), the military (if it's not dismantled), unemployment recipient (see above), landscaper, professional television watcher/gamer with my government issued flat screen from my stimulus check, and my favorite: stripper!

Now there is something that makes no sense: California wants to outlaw flat screen televisions that use too much energy. You mean you are telling me that I no longer have the right to buy the biggest t.v. possible--just like an automobile. I can see it now- Flat Screen Energy Consumption Stations. Just like a smog check you will have to have your Plasma (or LCD/LED) certified in order to use it or face fines. Maybe then, you could buy energy credits which allow you to play your NHL10 on the Xbox 360...oh, oh..I'm onto something...

Which leads right to that piece of floating excrement Al Gore. If there was ever a bigger con man in this nation (please do not insert the obvious), I would love to know. He's got a great scam working. Stoke the fears of the populace. Set up a system for energy cap and trade which you are the principal shareholder of the brokering company. Invest in ancillary companies. Get them government contracts. Stoke more fears as you travel the world. Repeat process. Do it with a straight face as you try not to snicker under your breath. Damn..How was I not a child of privilege?

And finally....how privileged do you feel to watch it all going wrong on your watch? In some eyes it's going right and that is a scary shame. Somewhere in there is a middle ground which needs to be hammered out. It's like a marriage. If it's going to work you better find a compromise or you are headed for divorce.

Well, if we're going to go down all Planet of the Apes style, then I'll go with one of these:

And a little music to end the day....be sure to find your way home.
-The Cap'n

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