Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ohhhh Mexico....

The Cap'n was talking to the General (my father) the other day, and I heard this brilliant take on the Arizona immigration fiasco:

Let's say you have bought a ticket on Southwest Airlines to take a trip. Your credit card has been charged, you checked in over the Internet, went through TSA, and are now waiting in line.

As you board the plane and get to your seat, you find that it has been occupied by a non paying customer who boarded the plane through the rear entrance after managing to walk through an unguarded entrance from the terminal to the tarmac. (Sort of like Burbank)

This non paying customer refuses to give up their seat. It is not their fault nobody was guarding the entrance to the plane, even though there are certain standardized entrance and exit points.

It is also noted that they have brought four more non payees aboard with them and in doing so, not only have you lost your seat, but four more paying customers have lost theirs also.

They have also brought numerous bags for the overhead bins, so paying customers must check in their baggage or send it on a later flight.

The cabin crew refuses to dismiss these people (even though a few crimes have just been committed), but offers to find "reasonable" accommodations on the plane for you and the others by charging the entire plane $50.00 more per person.

If not, you are just shit out of luck.

Sound Familiar???

I found it to be spot on, and would love to hear a logical counter that does not include "racist" because this model is race/gender neutral.

- the Cap'n

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