Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who Are You?

Where there is smoke, there is fire. Decide for yourself. The Cap'n has.

There is right and there is wrong. There is emotion and there is fact. It all needs to be sorted out so everyone has the proper information and then can vote for who they choose.

The sin is in not exercising your right to vote. The crime is lying to the American public to influence that process. We have seen enough of that over the years from both parties, but could this one be the biggest? Decide for yourself.

-The Cap'n

Monday, October 20, 2008

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Well America, I'm hoping you surprise me on November 4th. I'm starting to doubt the overall intelligence of the general populace and hope that we have another Truman over Dewey scenario in the end....but I digress. Some personal points however:

1) This is disgusting. It is devoid of any moral fiber. These people are cretins and enemies of the State.

2) If you have the fortitude to read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged then you understand the gist of the book: The 10% of the world that produces makes up for the 90% looking for a free handout.

What then happens when the 10% who generate the wealth in this country decide they have had enough of the garbage? What happens when over regulation, taxation, and litigation so clog the system that it is easier to walk away?

I think we are getting ready to see.

This has always been a nation which allowed the individual to excel if they had the determination and focus to do so. If you want something bad enough there is ALWAYS a legal way to get it in this nation. You just have to have the gumption to find it and stay the course.

We have been a nation that kicks ass and takes names. Period. Sure, like any nation we have issues that crop up which need to be addressed, but it has built us into the greatest nation in the history of the world. EVERYONE wants to come here because we aren't a socialist laden, go nowhere nation like Italy or France.

You go there for vacation--not to start a life.

3) Here's another pretty good link for those who need another clue. Well written and not heretical by any means.

4) And now to the most important issue: The 49ers finally fired Mike Nolan. You want to talk about incompetence on the big stage. This guy was the 4 star pick of the year!

He should have run for President himself. A good defensive coordinator with no clue how to run a big club. Every answer was nebulous and circular. Game management was extremely suspect.
In times of crisis he folded like a 50 cent sanitary napkin.

Damn....sounds like somebody else in the news.

5) Today, I'd like to leave on a positive note:

Remember-- It's never as bad as they say, but it can sure feel like it some days!

-The Cap'n

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Aristocrats

Well, the whole impending fatherhood/selling my business/ partnering up for a new business/painting kid's rooms deal has kept me busy. Today, however, I'm wondering if the two little buggers would even want to pop into this world with all the events of the last thirty days.

Therefore I am leaving this link to say it all:

I was going to post the video, but figured the link would do the same. Either way it is perhaps the funniest thing Gilbert Gottfried has ever is exactly how I feel today:

Like The Aristocrats have taken over and sanity is out the window.

And yes--with the legalized theft rammed down our throat with this "bailout" we have just been fed the last piece of the pie: institutionalized socialism

The general public should be vomiting like they swallowed a bottle of ipecac. The whole mess is a complete lack of responsibility on the parts of every individual involved.

From the fake naivety of the bottom line signers to the Alfred E. Neumann grin of the lenders, you absolutely, positively cannot tell me that you all gambled and LOST. Time to go live under a bridge by the river and pay for your sins.

When you go to a Vegas casino and lose your ass, does the managing partner reward you with a subsidy from the casino to insure they receive their full amount? Nope. You are put on a strict payment plan/re-possession plan/ end up in the desert plan. Sounds simple- never gamble what you can't afford to lose.

With that point made, I still understand the need to stabilize the system. I am not stupid. Healthy banks (such as B of A) are buying up these mortgages at non- inflated, realistic property valuations and are allowed to sell them in due time as market rationality ensues. There is no appointed "must sell" time, and T-bills are backing the process.

The ensuing housing stability brings rationality back to the equities markets where emotion and fear generally rule the roost. Great. Got it. Start another cycle.

Now, if I can repeat it enough to myself maybe I will feel like my unborn twins didn't just get the shaft.

-The Cap'n

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The State Fair!!!!! Yeah!!!

Went to the State Fair last night on a gorgeous summer evening and had a few musings as the corn dogs and egg rolls on a stick went down:

* Are Raiders jerseys required attire?

* If you are under the age of 18, must you make out with your first ever girlfriend in public the entire time?

* Why are people paying to see Weird Al Yankovic?

* Is a State Fair corn dog and a beer not completely awesome?

* Why do I always pay two bucks to see the giant cow?

* Why do I think the giant cow is freaking amazing?

* How many idiots bought a spa, some cookware, or an amazing metal cleaner for over twenty bucks tonight?

* Am I ever going to make that hoop shot for a freaking prize?

* Why do I have more teeth and look less chemical dependant than most others here?

* Am I the only one that loves the individual County exhibits?

* How many pedophiles will be at the Friday Vanessa Hudgens show?

* Check that...How many leering fathers will be there with their daughters at the Friday Vanessa Hudgens show?

Not bad for a Monday year will have to bring the twins to their first one.

See you next post...

-The Cap'n

Friday, July 25, 2008

Favre and some other stuff!

Well, well, well....Find me a hot button and let's push it. I'm in trouble because nothing especially is getting me all riled up today so I guess it's going to be---Brett Favre and some other sports musings!

Brett---GO AWAY!

I hate the Packers. I hate the NFC Central. I hate indecisiveness. I hate indecisive multi-millionaires. I hate cheese heads. I hate Vince Lombardi. I hate prima dona's. I don't think you are a top five quarterback of all time:
1) Montana
2) Unitas
3) Brady
4) Elway
5) Marino

You are a loser in big game situations. It is time to go. You seem like a smart guy, so go look up how Steve Carlton went out. Don't be that guy.

* Last year was lightning in a bottle in a very weak NFC and I don't believe anybody in their right mind is picking an NFC team to go all the way again. If I had to pick a surprise this year it would be-------The 49ers. Idiot head coach, but enough talent to surprise.

* Where is Roger Clemens right now? Thanks for making my baseball cards worthless except for maybe a hard pack in the joint. BTW.. Mindy McCready??? You must have been on something.

* NBA Rookie of the Year 2008-09: Jason Thompson. You read it here first.

* Finally, seems like everyone is fired up about the kid in the NFL getting jerked around by the military. Two words: David Robinson.

And now, enjoy the stylistic approach of Wink Mussellman and please enjoy the veal!

-The Cap'n

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This State is Fuc***!!! heard it here first. We are officially heading down the shitter at record pace and here are my two cents:

A) Do we make anything here anymore? Small business is fucked. If you haven't looked around lately they are closing at record paces. Whether it be manufacturing, retail, service based--it does not matter. Why? The cost of business is impossible to absorb nowadays. Insurance, energy, medical, and regulatory costs are are out of control as well as costs of raw materials! Simple equation--costs go up, profit margins get compressed, businesses get closed. I know many small business owners who are closing up because they cannot compete with overseas or sub continental competition. Thank you NAFTA! Coming next the Amero!!

After that it will be "Hello Comrade!" What was I thinking, it will be "Ho la Amigo!!"

B) Where is my Tax Money Going? What a bunch of dickheads. The problem with a democracy has always been that those in power will over time start voting themselves the lion's share of the wealth and restrict the access to wealth acquiring activities. Sounds like a blueprint for the Golden State! Deteriorating roadways, levee systems which are a crap shoot, a lack of a comprehensive managed growth plan because of environmental idiots, a legislature which routinely cannot pass a balanced budget, an out of control illegal immigrant population----stop me before I get worked up.

Taxes keep going up and finding themselves in nebulous areas never intended for their original purposes. I paid a tax for environmental upkeep and growth management yet the whole fucking state is on fire. I pay a tax every time I go to the pump for roadway improvements yet these are the worst highways in the nation. Where did that money go??? We all know the answer.....

I know---into a bank account. Just not mine or yours. We'll just keep ponying up as they pocket it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not banging on Democrats---I hate Republican liars also--but all these guys have to go. There are too many pigs at the trough.

C) McCain and Obama. Mr Spend-a-lot and Mr Spend-alot. I'm voting for none of the above just like in the movie Brewster's Millions. Both of these guys are going to lead us straight to the toilet. One is a tan Jimmy Carter and the other is one nightmare away from our own personal Elm Street.

Bottom line--both have been so insulated from "real life" they have no idea what normal, honest Americans are going through. All they know is what their advisors tell them (or tell them to say at the right time). Wake up America and see it for what it is--bullshit!

Well, I seemed to be especially angry today. Still, it needed to be said.

There was good news-- The Cap'n is going to be a Papa!!!! Now the world must remain safe for Cap'n Jr.!!!!

..and always remember: When you get what you want, don't start bitching when shit goes wrong!!!!!!!!

--The Cap'n

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This Gay Marriage Thing...

Well, after just getting married myself some 10 days ago I thought it would be a good idea to just throw some thoughts out on the new law in California allowing gay couples to legally couple:

- Man, are they are ugly. Generally if I am watching porn and two girls start going at it they are pretty hot. One might be Asian, the other exotic South American, etc. These battle axes that are getting married are all from the Subaru nation. Please find me the "girls" getting married.

-Man, are they old. This is like watching the old Red Sox fans holding out on their deathbed before a World Series victory. Nobody was going to kick it until a Series victory, and it looks like the same can be said of the same sex couples.

-Why all the hubbub?? Mr. Religious right wacko is out there spouting Seventh Sign apocalyptic sewage about it being an abomination. Well, last time I checked these were STATE ceremonies that were civic in nature. These are CIVIL unions which have no bearing on your religious beliefs.

-Why all the hubbub Pt 2?? Mr. and Mrs. Lefty think they have struck a big civil rights victory equating this event to interracial marriage. Hate to break it to you--it's not. Even the South can stomach an interracial marriage before this. What you have though is a step forward as a minority in America that from a CIVIL standpoint has been long overdue.

-Can't wait to see the ballot box initiative on this one and the legal battles that follow. This should go on longer than the Rocky series that should have ended with Ivan Drago going down.

The Cap'ns Take:
The Cap'n is actually pretty moderate on this one. I have some gay friends who are excellent people and whose sexual orientation means absolutely nothing to me. To allow a civil union is something that makes sense. Why not have them go through the same crap we do- alimony, losing half your stuff, fighting over the summer home, hating your spouse, etc.

My personal religious beliefs tell me that I will ultimately be judged in the end for my actions by God, and God only. Everybody- gay or straight- has that day coming. I find it extremely hard to believe, though, that a God fearing, good hearted, law abiding person of whatever sexual orientation will be left out of heaven and a born again child molester will get in.

You wanted it--you got it. Now don't bitch about it when shit goes wrong.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Numero Uno

The great Peter Griffin exclaimed, "You know what really grinds my gears?"... and that is what got me to thinking. If an animated character started making more sense than the "pundits" on television and the fish wraps, then maybe something has run amok. Hence we have Pusscon 3.

A bit of explaining. Pusscon 3 is a term invented years ago by my weekly (and now defunct) poker game which featured a ton of drinking, a myriad of debates, and some card playing thrown into the mix. When the stakes became a little high for one of us (usually around five dollars) and the collar became a tad tight, a fold would ensue. The ribbing would then escalate, a half drunk member of the table would stand up, and then the announcement would be made on the loudspeaker, "We have reached Pusscon 3!". The alert level had been raised because we had testicular shrinkage in the room!

With the obvious reference to our DEFCON system of readiness, we would always bust out with uncontrolled laughter and a verbal blistering to whomever elicited the command. The forces had been put on alert! We have a situation brewing that needs attention! One of us had lost our balls along the way and needed to be reminded.

That my friends is Pusscon 3.

In today's world you can no longer call it like you see it because it might offend someone- regardless of the truth.

Well, I'm going to spout out my version of it and hopefully someone other than myself enjoys it, or disagrees with it enough to engage in some lively debate.

Just like my buddy Bill needed the forces to be put on alert because he was dangerously close to extreme estrogen levels, Cap'n America is here to ensure we never reach Pusscon 4.