Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Second Annual Things I Hate!!!

Without any fanfare, let us begin:

* Roads anywhere in California. All you enviro Nazis have's true. It is easier to take a bicycle or horse and carriage from point A to B in this state. Thank you Jerry Brown and associates in the early 70's for creating this god awful mess you call the California road system. Throw in good 'ole government corruption, and you not only have a steadily aging and decrepit, but inadequate roads system. I'll take the horse please....just what you backward ass progressives wanted.

* MTV....except for the Jersey Shore. I have extensively written how it went from a musical nirvana to bull shit propagandist extension of Viacom. As for Jersey Shore, everyone has to have a little vice here and there....and I hate that J-Wow hasn't shown us her ta-ta's yet.

* White Honda or Toyota minivans or sedans. Anyone who drives them cannot drive worth a crap. Period. End of Story. You suck. Now you will pay attention and know I am right.

* Dancing with the Stars. Other than looking at Cheryl Burke's awesome ass, this show is a total waste of time.

* Progressive Liberals. You are the height of ignorance masquerading as pseudo intellectuals. Please come down to the real world and help in the fight instead of being a pawn to government control. Repeat after me: It's only your fault you didn't take advantage of your opportunities....

* Quirky women who think they are cool. Message to you: You are neither. Quirky is this generations way to excuse immaturity and infantile behavior. Grow up and put away your Strawberry Shortcake folder....Fuck, you are 30 years old already!!!

* Rachel Maddow. Do I really need to explain?

* I hate how the daily newspaper is slipping away into the night.

* I hate the fact my twins are already 20 mos. old...Damn time flies.

* New Style video games. Why do I need twenty buttons on my X Box just to make a pass? What happened to the good old A and B buttons? Keep it simple guys!!!!

* That they moved the Big Bang Theory to Thursday...It was perfect on Monday!

* That once I found out Neil Patrick Harris was gay, I no longer believed his character on How I Met Your Mother. Like the guy, just not that believable now, though...

* Chelsea FC...God I hate the Blues...Stop dominating the EPL!

* San Francisco Giant Fans...Retards..I'd love to have a monopoly on anti-depressants after the Phillie's series is over for these delusional idiots.

* Light Rail. It has done nothing for anyone here in my hometown other than back up traffic for miles while two passengers ride it to and fro. What a colossal waste of taxpayer money and time.

*That I couldn't find any more ways to incorporate more hot women's pictures into my rant!

Well, that was all that came to mind this time..Maybe some you agree with, others you don't. The great part is that I don't care whether you do or not-- it is my list.

Regardless, use your brains, don't settle for the low hanging fruit, and vote in the upcoming elections. it is your duty!

-the Cap'n

1 comment:

Fang Bastardson said...

Hey Pappy—20 months old?? How about a picture, dammit?

(I'm also with you on "quirky." I've always hated quirky unless she was gone by the time I woke up in the morning.)