Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I always hated that little bit of texting heaven. It's just another cute way of dropping an f bomb without having to say it. Stupid. Still, it seems that any and everyone will try to drop in an occasion to curse without REALLY saying it.

What kind of B.S. is that?..

With the obvious pun just above, why even say it? If you want to say "what the fuck", then man (or woman) up and let it fly. Do not even throw out an excuse of whether it is appropriate or not because you are just trying to be cute. If you are going to curse, then goddamn do it. Otherwise, use another expression and move on.

It's like tattoos now. Tats used to be for rebels and real anti-society types. Now it's just for pieces of trash who think they look cool. In fact, if you are not in a band or a slut, you shouldn't even have them. Period. Sorry Johnny wanna be a rapper white kid.

Speaking of that, what says "Please hire me" more than a moron in baggy jeans, a sideways hat, tats, and piercings. Better hope they don't legalize pot or you're out of one of your few career choices.

Ouch. Career choices. What is actually going to be left if Obama keeps steering the ship? Let's see....Welfare recipient, government worker (maybe), the military (if it's not dismantled), unemployment recipient (see above), landscaper, professional television watcher/gamer with my government issued flat screen from my stimulus check, and my favorite: stripper!

Now there is something that makes no sense: California wants to outlaw flat screen televisions that use too much energy. You mean you are telling me that I no longer have the right to buy the biggest t.v. possible--just like an automobile. I can see it now- Flat Screen Energy Consumption Stations. Just like a smog check you will have to have your Plasma (or LCD/LED) certified in order to use it or face fines. Maybe then, you could buy energy credits which allow you to play your NHL10 on the Xbox 360...oh, oh..I'm onto something...

Which leads right to that piece of floating excrement Al Gore. If there was ever a bigger con man in this nation (please do not insert the obvious), I would love to know. He's got a great scam working. Stoke the fears of the populace. Set up a system for energy cap and trade which you are the principal shareholder of the brokering company. Invest in ancillary companies. Get them government contracts. Stoke more fears as you travel the world. Repeat process. Do it with a straight face as you try not to snicker under your breath. Damn..How was I not a child of privilege?

And finally....how privileged do you feel to watch it all going wrong on your watch? In some eyes it's going right and that is a scary shame. Somewhere in there is a middle ground which needs to be hammered out. It's like a marriage. If it's going to work you better find a compromise or you are headed for divorce.

Well, if we're going to go down all Planet of the Apes style, then I'll go with one of these:

And a little music to end the day....be sure to find your way home.
-The Cap'n

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What Happened When I Was Sleeping?

Wow, the Cap'n comes back from Daddy time with the kiddies for a few months and the whole place has gone to hell. It was arguably the most trying yet fulfilling weeks of my life, but I wouldn't trade it back for the world...I miss the little buggers during the day already!

Well, instead of musing on one probably over dated subject, lets throw some thoughts out for consumption:

* Did you know that in my hometown there are 35 medical marijuana dispensaries within 15 miles of each other. You have got to be kidding me. Throw in the probable 350 dealers in the same grid and you have one hell of a business running during the day. No wonder the Feds and Local want a piece of this cash economy. My question: How much of the daily population is on a controlled substance to make it through the day? Factoring in prescription meds, the Cap'n says probably around 75%.....

* Is Robert Gibbs retarded? Well, that's an easy one...How about: If you are a crooked son of a bitch, is it standard operating procedure to have a retarded dis-information officer to just piss everyone off and make them go away?

* Why is the left so hot to trot with health care? Medi Care is a joke. VA hospitals are a crying shame. Social Security is a fucking nightmare. Hmmmm....lets now take the wrecking ball to the economy again with an overhaul of the health care system. To all you over educated, broke ass lefties: Quickly--name anything the federal government has run successfully and at a profit? Or, even in the estimated loss brackets? Good luck. I feel much better about health care now.

* Quick Econ lesson for all you PHD holding lefties also: Sub Prime mortgages were all written in '05, '06, and '07. All come due in '08, '09, an '10...Do you think the economy is going to rebound? Thank your local congressman for that one (and especially Frank, Barney)....but there is more-- commercial real estate defaults are now coming in late 09, 10, and 11. There will be ABSOLUTELY NO RECOVERY until 2012 at the earliest unless the banking system relaxes lending rules and allows bridge loans. Better get used to 10-15% unemployment and small business being eradicated.

Why? Your great leader and his bull shit stimulus plan hasn't put any money into the true economy. All it's done so far is grease the palms of his constituents.....In '11 when it kicks in to full effect ( if it ever does-- the Repubs will sweep out the Dems in '10 and the plan will get demolished) it will be to late.

If you are a conspiracy theorist and believe in a NWO, this is one hell of a playbook to get there.

* Why are there absolutely ZERO good movies out to bridge the gap between summer and Thanksgiving?

*Why do I have an unending picture in my head of the old Wiemar Republic and a man lugging a wheel barrel down the street full of Deutschemarks going to buy a loaf of bread?

*Neil Young is still one sick dude! A living legend!

Regardless of left or right, it's about freedom....Keep on Rocking in the Free World!!!!!
-The Cap'n

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Well, I was all set to do a post on my buddy Fang (who has a wonderful liberally slanted blog ), his back problems, and how he will see the quality of his care reduced if Das Leader gets his way. Instead, I wanted to focus on Mr. 52.7% sidekick.

Look at this whopper:

"I say, 'Don't let your opposition to the Recovery Act blind you to its results. Come see what I see everywhere I go: workers rehired, factories reopened, cops on the street, teachers in the classroom, progress toward getting our economy back on the move.'"

-Washington Post.com 7/17/09

Workers rehired?

As of the end of May 2009, California's job losses were quantified as :

California's year-over job losses totaled 739,500 (4.9 percent) in May 2009. This was the State's largest year-over job loss on record. Unofficial historical data suggest that California's 4.9 percent year-over job loss in May 2009 was the State's largest since March 1946. Year-to-date in 2009, California's nonfarm job losses totaled 348,000 jobs, or an average of 76,800 jobs a month. This was nearly twice the average monthly loss of 38,500 jobs in 2008...


But there is more:

Nationally, the largest job loss was in manufacturing (156,000). Three additional industry sectors lost more than 50,000 jobs: construction (59,000); trade, transportation, and utilities (54,000); and professional and business services (51,000). Notably, each of these three industries had averaged job losses of well over 100,000 jobs over the six months prior to May. Information (24,000), natural resources and mining (10,000), government (7,000), and other services (1,000) were the other U.S. industry sectors that lost jobs in May 2009.

Four California industry sectors experienced losses of more than 100,000 jobs over the last year: trade, transportation, and utilities (191,000); construction (149,200); professional and business services (126,100); and manufacturing (122,200). Two additional California industry sectors lost more than 50,000 jobs over the last year: leisure and hospitality (62,300), and financial activities (51,600).

Three more California industry sectors lost more than 10,000 jobs over the last year: information (29,200), other services (15,500), and government (14,200). Year-over losses in natural resources and mining totaled 1,400 jobs. Three U.S. industry sectors lost more than one million jobs over the last year: manufacturing (1,570,000); trade, transportation, and utilities (1,193,000); and professional and business services (1,139,000). Year-over job losses in construction totaled 990,000 jobs.

Two additional U.S. industry sectors lost more than 300,000 jobs over the year: financial activities (397,000), and leisure and hospitality (328,000). Information (152,000), other services (123,000), and natural resources and mining (31,000) were the remaining U.S. industry sectors that lost jobs over the last year.

And then the kicker: Nationally, two industry sectors experienced year-over job gains in May 2009: health services (417,000), and government (140,000).


Thank you California EDD for the Labor info in a May 2009 article.

Well Pinocchio, what does this mean?? It means you are full of fecal matter.

"Workers re-hired":

If you are what? A nurse or government employee? It would make sense for the health workers since everyone is either stressing out or numbing themselves to the insanity coming out of Washington. I'm damn well sure the number of heart attacks, alcoholism, and suicides will go up the next few years all due to the insane economic policies coming from this administration. Just try to get life insurance at a decent premium..

"Factories reopened":

Look at how hard the manufacturing sector has been hit you moron. There isn't an idiot in the room who would dare open one here in California. Hell, I just shut mine down because of OVER REGULATION AND OVER TAXATION. The state of California is insane. It is the gold standard for how liberal and over the top environmental regulation DOES NOT WORK. It strangles any chance a small business has. Now we will have cap and trade--economic suicide! Throw national health care on top of that and it's 8% non compliance penalties--Hello more layoffs!! Get ready Pinocchio, the sky is about to fall!

"Cops on the street":

There were too many layoff links to post, but this one struck me as interesting:


75 cops laid off in Toledo led to mass gun buys. Well, at least there is a plus to the situation

"Teachers in the classroom":

Schools Chief Jack O'Connell Joins Educators in Recognition of Record Number of Teachers Receiving Layoff Notices.


26,950 teachers have received pink slips so far...

I could only think of one way to wrap this one up.....

-The Cap'n

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cap'n House Husband!?!

Well, you never know what life is going to throw you. After the Cap'n told the State of California where to stick it by selling his business, he know finds himself at a crossroads.

Once a Cap'n of Industry, it looks like he will now be Cap'n of the house for the next six to eight weeks as the wife goes back to work and my mother in law waits to retire.
What a weird turn of events.

Some background: After the business was sold, there was definitely work to be done selling equipment, cleaning buildings, selling inventory, etc. etc. etc. That took about a year, and was painfully sad as well as challenging. During that time I looked at other opportunities on the horizon.

The problem was that they were all in unrelated fields and there was really no opening for "37 year old ex-vice presidents" with 18 years experience in management, production, marketing, and sales. I was a jack of many trades but a true expert in none (except production).

Still, being that "A" type personality, I wanted to keep charging forward and have absolutely zero downtime. BIG MISTAKE!!!

In doing so I jumped into a start up during a recession/depression while at the same time trying to shorten a learning curve by about 10 months. Now, I have never quit anything in my life. No matter how bad I get beaten, I am too stubborn to walk away a loser. I always figured the difference between a quitter and a loser was in the spelling.

I am however starting to change my mind as my perspective has changed. Why? My kids.

After having a beautiful set of twins, my personality changed on the spot. My anger (which fueled my success) was gone. My impatience had waned. My overall want to destroy every obstacle in my way had dissipated.

In a word, I was "anew".

Don't get me wrong, the Cap'n loves money...but he has money. What he is missing now is the logical next step in his progression. For most people, CEO/President/VP is the culmination of a career..That was done by age 32....now what?????

Well, for the next eight weeks it is this:

And I tell you, I am psyched.
I really think this time will allow me to get my thoughts together and look at the future in the right frame of mind. Although I have definite fears about current goings on in our state and in D.C., there is always the optimism of and for youth which I see every morning.
I'll also get to see a little of this:

-The Cap'n

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Few Thoughts....

Well, I guess the Cap'n is a little tired of fighting the fight today. When Stuart Smalley is elected as a state senator it shows the overall I.Q. of a state to be total to the wattage of a small appliance light bulb..

Oh well..After the Dems run this country into the frickin ground they now have no one else to lay the blame on except for themselves. That should banish them into irrelevance for a good 20 years or so.....

With that being said some "New Thoughts":

Why I went to see Transformers 2 with the wife:

Why I really went to see Transformers 2:

Is Eric Clapton the greatest ever? After seeing him and Steve Winwood together this week I would dare say YES!

Is there anything worse than really, really wanting a Popsicle and then finding the box empty in the freezer?

The greatest holiday in the United States? Need you ask? All Socialists should not be allowed to celebrate this country's Independence as they push for its peoples enslavement! Better yet: No Hot Dogs for You! Halal Kabobs and Piroshkis Only! (The Cap'n ain't completely laying down today!)

Who we should be thankful to for every day we have the ability to disagree and not be thrown in jail or executed:

Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!
-The Cap'n

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Man Billy

There have been alot of celebrity deaths lately, but the one that really saddened the Cap'n was one of his favorites: Billy Mays.
He wasn't a closet pedophile or pin up. He wasn't an awesome sidekick or kung fu master...but he was a master.
Billy was the ultimate pitchman, a symbol of America and Capitalism, and a downright hilarious dude. Make no mistake, he knew EXACTLY who he was and what he was doing. That is what made him so awesome. There were no pretenses, and if you watched the show Pitchmen (with partner Anthony Sullivan) it clearly showed that.
After watching a piece on CNBC the other day about infomercials and their rise, it became rather evident that Billy Mays was good for America.
Well, like everything that WAS good for America, it now seems that his time has passed. After a freak blow to the head, the great one is no longer and so are my beloved Awesome Auger commercials.
R.I.P. Billy and condolences to your family.
-The Cap'n

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Does This Look Familiar?


1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

As we speak now city, state and the federal government are restricting land usage through large regulatory fees, environmental restrictions, taxation rates, and removal of exemptions, thus rendering land/buildings useless.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Pretty self explanatory with Mr. 52.7%'s camp. His perfect tax rate for the wealthy will be a higher number than the percentage of those who voted for him.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

All one needs to do is look at estate tax rates to see it is already in play...well except for 2010! That is the year to kick it if you are wealthy.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

They are trying right now as corporations leave to pursue better (i.e. lower tax rates) venues for manufacturing and corporate headquarters overseas.

5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.


6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

Fairness doctrine...Cap and Trade...ABC and the infomercial about nothing...

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Cap and Trade...GM...Chrysler...etc..

8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

UAW...AFL/CIO...ACORN...whatever is brewing behind the looming National Energy Tax

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.

There just might be if California, New York and Florida price out their populace...

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.


Hmmm....Democrat = Socialist...sure would seem so by definition of policy. So far, as we have seen in California, it DOES NOT WORK. It is sheer folly to expect it to work on a national level, so I think I figured it out....There can only be ONE plausible explanation:

The Alien Confederation of Planets has decided that the Earth must unite under one voice or we will be left behind to muddle in our own human waste. Therefore, we must destroy the sovereignty of the U.S. in order to suit our galactic purposes.

There you go...its the only thing that made sense to me...Otherwise we are all just a bunch of stupid mofo's who are allowing ourselves to be sold into financial slavery by the Democratic ruling class as they restrict the access to wealth and means of production. That would never happen...never...I think it must be the alien dilemma.

Speaking of Aliens

R.I.P. King of Pop and Jesus Juice..Someone, somewhere, had a sigh of relief yesterday.

Nahh......It was all perfectly natural and you just needed to understand him...tell it to the sealed testimony.
And in closing, a beauty from my friend Gilbert Gottfried. Not for the easily offended, but for those with a hearty sense of humor..Enjoy the weekend
-the Cap'n

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tighten My Belt?

I guess I just don't get it. There is an old saying in management: The queen must not only be virtuous, she must also appear to be. For those liberals out there for whom I've confused let me make it even simpler: You don't lay off parts of your crew, tell your remaining employees to tighten their belts, and then show up the next day in a brand new CL55 Mercedes Benz.

Does that sound familiar? Are you sure? I swear that is what I have seen coming from Mr. 52.7% and company.

I know, I know, before I even get started the howling will begin on the hypocritical Bush administration and the war in Iraq. Big, bad Bush sold us a river of lies on WMD's and it was really about oil.

Was it? Deterrence has kept American soil safe since WWII. From 1993 to 2000 we stood by and allowed 6 separate attacks on U.S. interests starting with the February 26, 1993 WTC basement bombing to the USS Cole attack on October 12, 2000. We all know who was steering the ship back then. Do I need remind anyone what happened less than a year later? Do I also need remind we have had nothing since occur on our soil thanks to our brave men and women.

If a fortress in Mesopotamia, control of another oil supply, and the possibility of democracy in the region are the by products, then sign me up.

Sorry for digressing....As I was saying....

The CEO's of the major car companies were killed in the press for begging for public money as they came in on their private jets.

Execs from AIG and Citi were under threat of public humiliation and possible public retribution when it was learned of lavish bonuses and parties with public money.

Now, in the "most transparent" administration ever we have a man preaching of conservation and corporate responsibility showing his true colors. They are so transparent they won't even disclose the cost of the trip on your dime!

Even better, he used the excuse "I promised my wife...blah...blah..blah.."

Hell, I promised my wife a great anniversary, but I got hit with $3.00 gas, a 50% tax rate, a shrinking GDP, monetization of our debt, and possible nationalized health care. I'll be lucky to afford two Super Sized Extra Value Meals, but hell--have a great night on me!

All that B.S. is for you, not for him. He is above that. This is definitely not a lead by example kind of guy.

I have a new slogan for this administration: Do as I say, not as I do.

Assa lama laken
-The Cap'n

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Star Trek Lives!

It's time for a good old fashioned fun post. I can't be angry at the hypocritical, moronic lefties all the time. Hell, if they want to destroy the country today let them take a shot at it. Why? Because I saw the new Star Trek movie yesterday and it was freaking AWESOME!
I can admit I'm not a die hard Trekkie, nor do I have the outfit, go to the conventions, nor can speak Vulcan. I did however watch it religiously growing up. I was fascinated with science fiction (still am actually) and loved not only Star Trek, but Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and even Buck Rodgers.

I must say though I went into this flick with some trepidation. Bill Shatner was cheesily awesome as Kirk. DeForest Kelley was a walking cliche as Bones. Leonard Nimoy was, well, he WAS Spock. As I watched the show growing up on syndication, they became more like friends. As the first four movies came out their bond with me was solidified. There was a real emotion to the movies, and in some aspects it touched me to the core.

Why? Because these earlier movies were about friendship, accountability, loyalty, and duty.

This Star Trek "prequal" misses none of that. J.J. Abrams is my second favorite director behind Chris Nolan and he delivers. By forming the early years of Kirk and Spock and introducing all the familiar players in thoughtful and thought provoking ways, this movie is as good as it gets for me.

I won't delve into plot lines or endings, but I will say DO NOT WAIT FOR THE DVD. This movie deserves the big screen experience and you will be glad you went.

One more thing though.....I was really struck by the evolution of James T Kirk. Here was a young hellion, hell bent on going forward at all costs. There was no looking back from earlier adversity. Caution was thrown to the wind because he believed he was right, and they were wrong.
There is one quote in the movie after Kirk commands the bridge: "Take your battlestations and prepare for war. We are either going to take them out or they are taking us out."

He was going to confront the Romulan menace head on. He was not going to duck it. There was to be no conversation. It was either us or them and there were no apologies.

Hell, I was all fired up during that scene. It reminded me of us, the U.S. at an earlier time.

He understood that to "live long and prosper" you had to confront your enemies and take them down. If you ran away today, you would just have to take it on tomorrow and by that time it might be far worse.

We would all be well served to learn that lesson and live by it.

-The Cap'n

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Thoughts.....

Wow..If you haven't figured it out yet, let me spell it out to you in plain English: There are no political parties, just idiotic, greedy, opportunistic, two faced politicians. Case in point- Arlen Specter.

You can bend it any way you want, but when you are getting hammered in the polls by Pat Toomey 41% to 27% and have up to a 70% disapproval rating in certain Republican segments, you are going home.

Wait, no you are not, you are going to switch parties and become the swing vote to enable killing Republican filibusters after you've brokered a sweet deal for yourself.

That my friends, is the definition of a P.O.S. who has lived off of our tax money for way to long.


Kudos again to the Dems for their photo op with Air Force One yesterday in NYC

I guess it is ok to cause a panic in Downtown Manhattan and possibly endanger American lives through the panic, but please, PLEASE DO NOT WATERBOARD A TERRORIST! Their lives are important too!

Wait..I just figured out what was going on.....

Damn Snoop is always down for a party!

Still, the children in the White House need to know it is time to put away their toys and start acting like grownups. When is the first White House hunting trip scheduled??


My throat is itchy, my joints ache, I might be sick.....Oh no it's the swine flu....oink oink... Listen to reason with Mr. Ron Paul:

My gosh..I wonder how many people died of T.B. last year in the U.S.? Heck, I wonder how many people died last year of overdosing on Viagra and booze? I bet it was more than 64!

I'm willing to bet my buddy a few dinars on that one!

Until next time,
-the Cap'n

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Hypocrisy of the Majority

I really didn't think I had much to say lately. Seems like idiocy is running wild and there is going to be no end in sight. Still, as I was holding my baby boy, a thought turned into a thread, which turned into my topic of today: The Majority.

What really does that mean nowadays? The standard definition of "majority" as defined by Webster is " a number greater than half of a total ". Seems simple enough. Six out of ten would be a simple majority.

In terms of governance it's enough to pass most laws and measures (unless a state mandates a super majority for amendments or certain measures) and to elect our officials.

It is how our country has functioned for over two hundred years. There are always going to be flaws in any system, but on the whole I believe it can be argued that our poor are better off than Somalia's poor. Our health care system is better than Canada's. Our disenfranchised have a clearer voice than those in Cuba or Venezuela.

Although I will argue with you that any district which gives Nancy Pelosi 73% of the popular vote is clearly mentally challenged, it was well within their right to elect who they saw fit to protect their interests.

Okay...back to my line of thought on the Majority...

Example One: Our glorious leader received 53% of the popular vote or 69,492,376 votes by those either living, fictional or dead. His opposition received 46% or 59,946,378.

This is not by any way a clear cut, super majority (we did not reach 60% +) and would indicate that you could almost flip a coin as many times and get the same result. There is no "mandate for change". There is just a simple majority who believed the Republicans had screwed up just one too many times.

Example Two: California Proposition 8 of 2008. The infamous same sex marriage bill. Yes votes= 6,322,732 or 52.2% No Votes= 5,796,637 or 47.8

Again, pretty much a coin flip. No clear mandate there either but a simple majority overturned the previous court ruling outlawing same sex marriage.

In both cases "The Majority" had spoken......

Quoted after the presidential election by Time Magazine:

"Barack Obama Elected President with Mandate for Change"

"...when historians analyze the 2008 campaign, they're going to remember that the two-term Republican President had 20% approval ratings, that the economy was in meltdown, and that Americans didn't want another Republican President. They'll also remember that Obama was a change candidate in a change election."

Well, kinda. Let's look at the House of Representatives for an example. Of the 435 seats up for grabs, a grand total of 23 incumbents were defeated. Factor in the 13 open seats and that makes 39 total incumbents out the door. Of those 39 total newbies, the Dems took all 13 open seat elections and added 8 more through defeating incumbents. Their popular vote percentage was 53.04% versus 44.16% for the Republicans.

From an incumbent standpoint, however, only 9% were voted out. Is that change when 90% of the pigs at the trough are still feeding?

Is that "change" when only 53% voted Democrat in the House and Presidential elections?

Judging by Time, and other gleeful lefties it sure is:

“Good morning, Republicans! Welcome to the wilderness. We saved you a seat right over here, next to us. Looks like we'll have a lot of time to talk in the next four years.”
—libertarian blogger
Katherine Mangu-Ward on Reason’s Hit & Run blog.

Stay with me now because here is the kicker......

From the Sacramento Bee.com:

"It's time. The 4 percent difference between the people that voted yes and people that voted no are not enough to change the state constitution."
-Tina Reynolds, Sacramento community activist

"Those amendments applied universally to all Californians. This is a situation where you are removing rights from a particular group of citizens, a class of individuals the court has said is entitled to constitutional protection. That is a structural change."
-Joel Franklin, a constitutional law professor at Monterey College of Law

Two anti Prop 8 quotes from liberals who believe that the 4% voting difference does not speak for the "majority" of voting people.

If 7% and 9% are mandates for change, even though they are not "super majorities", than the 4% number must be looked at in the same light. You cannot just pick and choose "mandates" because they suit your political needs or beliefs. There needs to be a consistency in the line of reasoning. With the left, so far it doesn't exist.

Aside: Because of the many difficult angles of Prop 8, this blogger's belief is that the people will decide and that the majority must abide by it's decision. It is not in the hands of the Supreme Court, and should it be overturned by the people- it is for the good of the people because the majority has spoken.

Anyway..you know the joke, and what a voice! We need more of this and less of the other crap that drags down this world!

Susan Boyle on Britain's Got Talent
Uploaded by dwarthy

the Cap'n

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Truth...English Style.

Wow....there is not a single member of our legislature (state or federal) which has the clarity or the stones to fire off like Daniel Hannan, English MEP.

Our esteemed leader (who we shall call Mr. 52.7% ) believes that the European model of control is the way to go. Hell, they've been soooo successful over there with 0.00% job growth, an out of control and constantly appeased Muslim underclass, a health care system which decides who is treated and what is treated, an EU monetary system which does not work (ask the Germans who took the pipe when the Euro came into play), a housing bubble threatening to topple Eastern European nations and Western European banks like a house of cards, a rising of the Russian Bear, etc. etc. etc.

Finally someone called it like he saw it. It was a shot fired over the pond, but hit the mark over here also.

Are we that dense as a people to not see that these same mistakes have been made before and resulted in lost decades?

Are we all enticed by the free handout?

Would we rather take the coupon, get the flat screen TV, and vegetate away?

I bust my ass every day to provide for my beautiful family. I am not busting it for the cretins in East Oakland, the deviates in West Hollywood, or the Octomom.

I've made some poor decisions in my lifetime, but nobody bailed me out. I just picked myself up and trudged forward. It sucked, but I learned and was wiser for it.

We as a nation are about to get flattened if we don't change course. I hope we learn, pick ourselves up, and never forget.

God Bless,
The Cap'n

Friday, March 20, 2009

Some Inspiration

Well, I guess I could say "I told you so", but it wouldn't change anything right now. Things look utterly ridiculous until the mid-term elections bring a flushing of the lefty toilet. Still, if you have any sense of fight left in you while watching us do our best imitation of 1976-1980, then here is a pick me up for you. Much credit to Rob Neyer at ESPN who posted the original link.

A friendly reminder to NEVER let them take your spirit or the fight out of you. That is what made us great, and will continue to make us who we are. The rest be damned!

-The Cap'n

Thursday, January 22, 2009


After one of the most important days in the history of our nation, I am still in awe over something I continued to see from the left: a complete and total lack of respect for the outgoing President.

I found it so appalling, that I felt ashamed of my fellow "enlightened" Americans.

Say what you want about the myriad of faults associated with the last eight years, but the one fact remains: You were kept safe. The threat level would vary depending on where you get your information (and I'm not going to debate you conspiracy theorists), but NO Americans were killed on our soil as attacks occurred in other parts of the globe.

The cost was high. As our ex completely took his attention away from domestic issues and allowed a Democratic led Congress to run wild over us as Frank, Pelosi, Reed, et. al. just could not help themselves. Unfortunately, it happened on his watch and he takes the fall for not controlling the children with the power of the pen. He SHOULD be held accountable for that unforgivable mistake.

The vilifying on the way out though is disgusting.

I'm ashamed to call these morons my countrymen.

As much as I think our current President is unproven, I am willing to reserve judgement until 12-18 months into the gig. I also RESPECT the Office. Even if I do not agree with the man, his politics, his seedy political background, and nebulous personal history, I cannot escape the fact he is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That in and of itself deserves your respect.

To all those "educated souls" who can only express themselves in four letter words and illogical emotion--good luck in the future.

History will judge everyone, and my belief is that our ex-President took it on the chin to combat a threat he believed to be priority #1. Strong is a man who can do so-- whether right or wrong.

I hope the current party has the same fortitude. Recent history shows it hasn't, but I hope I'm wrong.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Two Companies, Same Story.

My brother just got laid off yesterday. Actually, my brothers entire division got laid off yesterday. Seriously-- the entire sales force was told to hit the bricks. Things became "so bad" in the software business that an industry leader decided to axe its only real incoming source of new revenue. Talented individuals showed up Monday like everything was fine and were back at home by noon wondering "what next?".

An associate of mine has an issue. He's a one man shop. Built his business starting from the ground up in 2000. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but smart and dedicated enough to build a decent business with a "future". That was until the downturn came. Now he is stuck in the middle--can't afford a mortgage, can't expand the business (has nothing to offer except higher commission rates), and is like a hamster running on a wheel.

One is a 40 man shop, the other a 1 man shop. Both American backbones.


The Captain's old business was one that faced decline since 2001. We were saddled with a constricting marketplace, higher costs, declining margins, and an ever declining customers base. People just did not want to open their wallets for our product anymore.

We did not panic, however.

I had to cut overhead, lay off employees, jump to just in time ordering, pare inventory down to nil, and be as lean and mean as possible. Mind you--this was during the "boom". Everyone else was knee deep in excess as we were bailing out the water from the sinking ship. Guess what--we held out for seven more years-- but then closed.

Eventually there was nothing more we could do-- it wasn't our fault-- markets change, conditions change, etc. Still we were forced to become innovative and aggressive as the market pared everyone out. We could have survived but we foresaw everything collapsing around us. We were just smarter than everyone else and ran out the door before it was slammed shut on us.
The two cases of companies I laid out in the beginning are in the exact same position: heading for closure. They just don't know it yet.

Everyone faced with paring back starts axing fixed costs: wages. Problem is you do not get the same productivity out of what or who you kept to replace what you have let go. I axed all my sales guys in 2005. Went Internet based and print based. The result: sales were off 20 %. They were down 15% industry wide so in reality I was only down 5 points, but it still was down.

Next I started axing crew. Soon 5 guys were doing the work of 15. Quality inevitably starts slipping, mistakes increase, product satisfaction decreases, and you are left asking "why" when you know damn well what the answer is: you are just trying to get by.

Soon you have no choice. It is made for you.

We made rational decisions over a period of years in a "good" economy and were forced to close.

Irrational decisions are being made now. Panic has set in.


My brothers problem: His company fired all its bullets at the enemy and now the gun is empty as the enemy comes in for the kill.

My associates problem: He has no bullets to fire at the enemy.

Guess what--both companies are screwed. They will both close. It is inevitable.

That my friends is why the politicians need to be held accountable for their actions. Wars, Markets, Open Borders, Tort Law, Mismanagement of Tax Coffers, etc.etc.etc.

We were ready for the onslaught-- why wasn't everyone else?

Let's leave on a good note though!!!!

Don't ever lose the ability to dream! It keeps us going against all that is evil and wrong with this world!

-The Cap'n

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Has it Been That long??

Wow!!!! Impending fatherhood can make the time fly like a mofo. Well here are some post 2008, not so pre 2009 thoughts:

* This year is going to suck if you let it. There will be many things to get you down this year- economy will not be better, housing market will still be weak, 15% unemployment, socialism pushes forward in the U.S., - but there is still much to be happy about!! You are not taking a dirt nap and Burn Notice is coming back on USA Network! Hooray!

* Where has the formality gone in this country? Damn the whole casual lifestyle attitude. How you dress has a lot in determining how you act, feel, and perform. Screw casual Friday and bring back business formal.

* Was I one of the few who saw Transporter 3 and thought it was just as good as the new Bond flick?

* Jameson 18 year is damn good. Sorry JW Blue--you gots some competition.

* A treat for you from the G.O.A.T!!!!!

* I'll be surprised if Bernie Madoff and Blagojevich make it to April....

* Is there anything better than warm Marion berry pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?

Well, some more thoughts later--and remember especially this year to not bitch and moan when you got what you wanted and it turned out worse than you thought!!